Education policy
The companies within the Kalaidos Education Group support the education policy objectives of edu-suisse and adhere to the following basic values:
Fair competition, diversity and efficiency
Fair competition between private and government providers guarantees a wide range of educational opportunities and good quality for fair prices. Thus, the needs of potential students, the business world and the society are met optimally.
Separation of powers and subsidiarity
The separation of powers is also important in the educational sector: commissioning, execution, quality assurance and supervision should be separated. The state should formulate the framework conditions and promote quality assurance. The state should only intervene where educational objectives cannot be achieved without government support. The subsidiarity principle should also be applied here.
Effectiveness guaranteed by demand-oriented funding
The allocation of state funds to educational institutions can lead to the distortion of competition and preservation of structures. It is better to provide direct financial support to those who want or are obliged to study further. Demand-oriented funding models (e.g. education accounts, education vouchers) enable students to choose the educational pathway that best serves their individual needs. Demand-oriented funding improves access to education and thus promotes equal opportunities.Contact
Kalaidos Education Group
Education Policy Department
Jungholzstrasse 43
8050 Zurich
Telefon +41 44 307 31 16